Usecase of Microsoft Intelligent Document Processing with Microsoft Dynamics 365



Are you looking to Transform and fortify your content management processes by implementing AI-driven solutions tailored to your business goals and organizational requirements?

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) offer a powerful combination of technologies that can revolutionize document management and processing tasks. By leveraging IDP’s capabilities within D365, businesses can streamline workflows, automate data extraction, improve validation processes, and gain valuable insights. Let’s delve into the ways IDP and D365 can transform your organization’s document processing operations.

What is IDP

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is a powerful software solution designed to capture, transform, and process data from various types of documents. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies like computer vision, OCR, NLP, and machine/deep learning, IDP can extract and analyze data from structured, unstructured, and semi-structured documents

What makes IDP particularly beneficial is its ability to handle different document structures. It can extract data from structured documents, which have a predetermined layout (e.g., loan applications or tax forms), as well as unstructured documents, which lack a specific format (e.g., memos or contracts). Additionally, it can work with semi-structured documents, which combine fixed and free-form elements.

Synergy between D365 and IDP 

When integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365), IDP can further enhance document management processes within the D365 ecosystem. By seamlessly integrating IDP with D365, businesses can benefit from streamlined data transfer, real-time updates, and automated workflows. This integration allows for smoother document processing, reduced manual effort, minimized errors, and improved productivity within D365. 



Simulated intelligence Manufacturer: D365’s man-made intelligence Developer is a useful asset that permits clients to fabricate and prepare artificial intelligence models without the requirement for broad coding or information science skill. With artificial intelligence Manufacturer, associations can make custom models to extricate explicit information from reports, for example, solicitations, buy requests, or agreements. These models can be prepared utilizing test records and verifiable information, empowering exact and robotized information extraction

Power Automate: Previously known as Microsoft flow, Power Mechanize is a work process mechanization device that flawlessly coordinates with D365. It empowers associations to make robotized work processes for archive handling, information extraction, and directing. With Power Robotize, archives can be consequently handled in light of predefined rules and activities, decreasing manual exertion and further developing efficiency

Power Applications: Power Applications permits clients to assemble custom applications that coordinate with D365 and IDP. Associations can make easy to understand points of interaction to smooth out archive handling work processes, computerize information section, and empower simple coordinated effort. Power Applications gives a low-code improvement climate, making it open for clients with shifting specialized abilities

SharePoint and SharePoint Syntex: SharePoint is a cooperative stage that empowers associations to store, coordinate, and oversee reports. SharePoint Syntex, a piece of SharePoint, uses man-made intelligence innovations to naturally characterize and remove data from reports, making it more straightforward to look, break down, and cycle records inside SharePoint.

It’s worth noting that the specific capabilities and integrations between IDP and D365 may vary based on the solution providers and configurations. Consulting with vendors or implementation partners experienced in IDP and D365 can help you tailor the solutions to your organization’s unique requirements and maximize the benefits of these technologies.

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